Behind the scenes – One day with Neri & Manu

Behind the scenes – One day with Neri & Manu

Take a step into the Ottway life and meet the creators! Explore what an iso day with Neri and Manu looks like, and get to know these all-year-round happy people as they answer some related questions.

Join in on their typical morning routine, taking a walk around their neighbourhood in Port Melbourne, while they express how travel and people have inspired their journey...

Can you briefly tell us about the Ottway background? What inspired the name? 

Manu​: The Otway Ranges, largely untouched and with a fascinating history, is the inspiration for our label. It’s a beautiful area down the Great Ocean Road that we have been exploring for many years. We’ve recently cemented our love for the region by acquiring a property to build our own cabin house (​Gloria​) to be shared with the Ottway community.

Neri​: We knew we wanted to create our own, like-minded community who appreciates clothes made in small-batches so as to step away from fast-fashion and stay sustainable. The support from our community keeps us inspired and driven to keep creating!

Share with us a bit more about yourselves, what were you doing before launching Ottway?

Neri​: Before launching Ottway, Manu moved to Australia, to develop and deliver large-scale renewable energy projects, while I was involved in fashion projects as a freelancer, across both marketing and photography. We have always shared our passion for clothing and we’re both obsessed with detail and storytelling.

Manu: ​Today, I continue to work in renewable energy, bringing solar and wind to states across Australia, and Neri is leading Ottway’s day-to-day together with our amazing team. We have now blended our two passions: Ottway The Label and renewables, through our sustainability program ​Solo Sunny Days​. 

Can you tell us a bit more about how your love for travel and passion for the environment is translated in Ottway’s designs?

From a very young age we have been on the move. Our parents are explorers and travel enthusiasts, so it couldn’t be any other way. For us, travelling doesn’t necessarily mean taking an 8-hour plane, but just being curious and getting out with the willingness to discover something new everyday. And that’s how we live our day-to-day.

We grew up with a deep respect for nature and a practice of using our resources wisely, and that translates into our pieces through our commitment to producing small-batches, to ensure the brand stays true to its sustainable ethos. 

So today’s most frequently asked question, what’s your standard ISO-day?

While we can't go to the office/away these days, we are trying to keep ourselves busy and creative at home. Going for a take-away coffee has become our absolute daily treat. Walking the dog and going for a swim at the bay are other mandatory excuses to get out of the house. We are normally always away and this has been a good opportunity to get to know our neighbourhood a bit better.

Hope you guys are all healthy and finding creativity these days!


Are there plans for another collection?

We have some cool designs in the making for this winter, including a couple new jackets! – that's all we can say at the moment, but we left a sneak peek below ;) keep an eye out!

Anything else to share?

Let’s let the good old times roll and keep the story going :)

- Neri & Manu -