BEHIND THE BRAND - Meet the team: Jian

BEHIND THE BRAND - Meet the team: Jian

There's no denying a brand's success comes down to a collection of people.
We wouldn't be who we are without the talented & creatives people a part of Ottway. It comes down to their individual skills and life experiences collected. Want to get some inside scoop and get to know the folk behind the brand?
Sit down with us and read through a Q&A with the team members of Ottway!
First up we have creative storyteller, world traveler and hype man Jian
First up! Where do you call home? 
Right now whilst answering this, I don't have a home! I'm halfway on the road to living back in the Gold Coast/Byron area which excitedly is where I grew up but left when I was 12!
What places have you lived in?
Byron Bay, Sydney, South Coast Victoria, Perth, Canada, Hawaii and soon Gold Coast!
Before working at OTTWAY, what was the most unusual or interesting job you've ever had?
When I was 19-21, before Uber even existed I use to drive friends to and from parties all weekend for a small fee, which then turned into friends of friends and before long I wasn't sleeping on weekends!
What gets you up in the morning?
The ability to impact or inspire another persons life positively... and breakfast! Damn I love eating food!
What does a typical day look like for you?
I'm pretty all over the place tbh haha but there are non negotiables throughout my day! Meditation, movement, good/healthy food and social interaction keeps me on track!

Describe what you were like at age 10.
I was always an outdoors, adventurous and "in-my own-world kind of kid (and adult). At 10 I was living in Byron and most likely building a cubby house out of sticks at the beach
Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us.
When I was travelling Europe, I got so close to drowning/freezing in a Norwegian alpine lake! To the point where I past out for 30 minutes. A friend who I'd only met the day before jumped in and saved me! It completely changed my my outlook on life!

When are you the happiest? 
In good company, feeling free and being creative!
What is your favorite part about working in OTTWAY and what are your most worn designs?
"The most important thing is to have fun, otherwise what is the point" were some of the first words said to me when I sat down for an interview 3 years ago. I feel that explains the vibe of Ottway, but it's also about the freedom, good company and ability to be creative ;) (refer to the question 3 above)
My all time worn shirt has to be The Stafford and it is still my favourite! Second in line is the Black Palmer and new Jasper Brown
What are 3 words to describe OTTWAY?
Life's for Living! 
So go out and live your dreams!!